Applicant Benefits

Whether you are a scientist or entrepreneur seeking to commercialize a world class technology, the WBT Marketplace provides a unique opportunity to showcase your technology and network with leading seed investors, venture capitalists and corporate licensing partners.

The presenter application is designed to accommodate two distinctly different types of presenters:
  • Researchers and/or research institutions owning intellectual property rights for technology and seeking to license or commercialize it.
  • Enterprises or businesses with advanced, proprietary technology seeking seed or venture capital or commercial licensing partners.

There is no cost to apply. If selected to present, the registration fees apply

Early Bird Applicants Receive:
  • The opportunity to be one of 10 Pre-Selected Presenters from this year's pool of early applicants. The review and selection of the 10 Early Bird Presenters is completed by an internal WBT review team.
  • Initial feedback on your application and the ability to resubmit your proposal(s) by the final deadline, thus increasing your chances of being selected.

All Applicants Receive:
  • A critique of their application by the Technology Screening Panel. The direct feedback received from the investors and licensees that make up the screening panel is a great way to gain insight into your commercialization or licensing opportunity.

All Selected Presenters Receive:
  • 6 minutes at the WBT Marketplace to present your commercialization and/or licensing opportunity to a national audience of seed investors, venture capitalists, and strategic commercial licensing partners.
  • A teleconference dress rehearsal of your presentation prior to the event. Dress rehearsals are performed before an experienced and seasoned panel of experts in the commercialization of new technologies. The dress rehearsal provides crucial feedback and helpful advice to produce the most effective presentations possible.
  • A platform to leverage your 6-minute investor-oriented presentation for a variety of marketing purposes.
  • A dedicated 2 person Mentor Team to assist in the preparation of your 6-minute investor/licensee oriented presentation.
  • WBT will invite up to 5 investors and Fortune 1000 licensing partners on your behalf to attend the WBT as your guest. (Passes are subject to approval)
  • Your company or research institution succinctly described in the conference materials handed out to all attendees.
  • Opportunity to submit up to twenty (20) IP and/or company listings for inclusion in the WBT Deal Book
  • Compete for the Innovation Marketplace Award, to be presented at the Awards Luncheon
  • Listing on the WBT Innovation Marketplace website
  • Contact information and technology description distributed to each attendee after the event.
  • Exclusive Access to the Pre-WBT Networking system allowing you to schedule meetings with investors and licensees before arriving on-site.
  • Exclusive Networking area
  • Full access to the 2 day event including the Meet the Presenters Reception, Awards Lunch and all other meals and receptions.

Past Sponsors